2% Of All Zenophytes Are My Spawn

7000 Zenophytes, 140 spawned by me. That's 2% of all Zenophytes referred by me. Pretty neat, huh? Most of my spawns are 1st and 2nd generation, but I have several 3rd and 4th generation as well. Waiting for the drill down deeper as well as wider. My best affiliate is Dinesh with 11 signups. Way to go, Dinesh!

P.S. I have over $100 in commissions as well ;)

Wow! 4080 Zenofon pages indexed on Google

Zenofon is brand spanking new, but already has 8780 appearances on Google. My main Zenofon page at http://www.squidoo.com/zenofon is ranked #2. I'm very proud!

How To Motivate Yourself

If you joined Zenofon, or any MLM program, and you are not seeing the results you envisioned, ask yourself how much effort are you really putting into promoting your product. Most people after 1 or 2 steps just sit back passively and pray for the results to roll in on their own. Well guess what, that is usually not going to happen. If you are not lifting a finger, or if you are doing very little or close to nothing to promote your product - it will never take off. Not only that, but every time you will read about a success story related to the product you will get resentful and upset, thinking why is that person successful and you are not.

So being honest to yourself is the first step to your own success.
Taking action is the second step.

Congratulations to all new Zenophytes that joined under my link:
Alan O.
Sona S.

Who Should You Be Marketing To?

If you want to promote Zenofon, or any MLM for that matter, there are only 2 types of people you should be marketing to:

  • Other network marketers
  • People who will actually use the service
Everything else is just a waste of time. People who either won't use the service, or people who are not commited to affiliate marketing will listen to your speech, but won't bother implementing it. So save your time and energy, and focus only on eager targets.

There is still plenty of place for creativity within these 2 markets. Network marketers are not only people in an MLM network. They are also bloggers with a big following that can write a review of your product and get refferals. Sending out a press release, or getting an article in a newspaper will also bring you both types of leads. So is placing a classified ad in the right paper - free or paid. Or contacting a well followed Twitterer and having her tweet about your service.

Best Day So Far

Wow! My efforts are definitely showing some good results. Yesterday was my best day ever, with 16 new people signing up directly under me. Way to go, Zenophytes! If you read this blog, do not forget to message me, I can give you an extra $5 in Zenofon credit to make phone calls.

Welcome aboard, new Zenophytes:

Sending You Link Love

If you sign up for Zenofon under my referral code, and write a post or an article about Zenofon (with YOUR referral code), send me a link to the article and I will link to it from here, thus giving you a nice dose of fresh free link juice!

Today's article was send in from GetDialing.com, a blog about saving money on phone calls, who wrote a review of Zenofon. Thanks Georgia, and good luck with your downline!

Congratulations to today's new Zenophytes:

I now have a total of 95 Zenophytes in my downline!

Getting Lucky - Motivational Post

The best thing that can happen to you when promoting an MLM product, is signing a super affiliate beneath you. You'll have a lot of dead ends - people that sign up but never use or promote the product, but every once in a while you'll sign a person that not only "gets" the product, but promotes it to a lot of people. When you hit that sweet spot, you'll get extra motivation to continue your efforts. Seeing other people try a product, and benefit from it - and being rewarded from contributing to those people's lives, is the biggest motivation I can get.

The $5 extra credit for those who sign up beneath me and mail me - you MUST mail me in order to get your credit - is still available, so hurry up and grab your 5 bucks!

Congratulations on yesterday's new Zenophytes (1st and 2nd generation):

We are growing by leaps and bounds!

Who Can Benefit From Zenofon?

Think of the different type of people who can benefit from Zenofon - either from using the service or from promoting it, and address them directly.

Here is a small sample of people who will benefit most from using Zenofon:
People who spend a lot of money on long distance phone calls
People with family / friends (ex-pats) abroad
Foreign workers
People with international businesses
Work from home moms / dads
Affiliate marketers
People who want a little extra passive income

I hope you get some ideas from this list. You are welcome to add to it!

Welcome this week's new Zenophytes:
Wotao Y.

Use Callback To Save Money On International Calls From Your Mobile Phone

Using your mobile phone for all your phone calls is the most natural option for most people. Our mobiles are such an integral part of our lives, we carry them everywhere with us. Calls can be placed on the go, whether we are in the comfort of our living room, or fishing in the middle of a lake. But we pay the price for this comfort in high prices we pay to the phone company.

Most people don't realize they don't have to use the service of their mobile provider for all their calls. You should use them only for the services for which their prices are the most competitive. For long distance calls, using your regular mobile carrier is probably NOT the best option. Some of you are probably already using Prepaid Phone Cards. Some Mobile phone contracts do not allow the use of alternate carriers like phonecards or dial around services, because it allows you to make cheap calls instead of wasting money on expensive roaming charges that benefit the mobile phone company.

Using callback is another option to reduce your mobile phone bill drastically. You call the callback number ans immediately hang up. The call triggers an alert at the phone company, which immediately calls you back on a line from within their service. When you pick up, you now have an open line to call whomever you want - on the callback company's private phone service. Using Zenofon's callback service, you can lower your mobile phone bill by as much as 97%.

When recruiting friends to Zenofon, tell them about the benefit of the service. Show them how they can drastically reduce their mobile phone bills. That's the best reasons to sign up with any service.

Why Are You Not Happy?

How important are social networks to your happiness? Perhaps even more important than you realized. A recent 20-year study of more than 4,000 people showed that happiness is influenced not just by your immediate friends and family. The happiness of a friend of a friend of a friend -- someone you’ve never even met -- can also influence your happiness. It turns out that happiness can spread through social networks, like a virus.

So today, spread a little happiness. Call a friend or relative you haven't spoken to in a while. Use Zenofon to call them cheaply, so you have money left over to buy yourself a cupcake. Cupcakes promote happiness too, I'm sure you know that already ;)

Get your friend to join Zenofon too. It will make them richer AND happier.

$5 Free Zenofon Credit

The first lucky Zenofon customers received free credit in varying amounts, from $15 to $1. After hitting the 5,000 customer milestone, Zenofon stopped giving away free credit, but I still managed to snag a few $5 vouchers which I will be giving away this week to new customers that sign up under my link and email me back with their username. Remember - this is not automatic - you HAVE to message me in order to claim your credit!

Congratulations to yesterday's new Zenophytes!
Moti A.
Durwin B.

How Can You Promote Zenofon?

So you're using Zenofon and you're loving it, but not you want to start earning money off it! So how do you get people to sign up under you? I will give you some ideas:

First, you can do the obvious - start telling all your friends. There is nothing like word of mouth to get people excited about a service. It's actually the best way, hands down. Much better than an anonymous recommendation or an advertisement. Which is why Zenofon is viral only - because they believe that personal recommendation is the most trustworthy form of marketing.

An other thing I recommend doing is creating a Squidoo lens. For those of you who are not familiar with Squidoo, it's a must use tool to get a lot of web traffic. And best of all - it's free and Google LOVES it. So you are guaranteed to get the word out fast. You can check out my own Squidoo lens here: Zenofon - Slash Your Mobile Phone Bill. The lens has a lot of information how to use Zenofon, and a lot of reasons why it is a great service and why I recommend it.

If you want more information on what Squidoo is and what it can do for you, read this Introduction to Squidoo.

Why Should I Promote Zenofon If It Is Not Available In My Country?

I have been asked by people living outside of the US why they should promote Zenofon if the service is not available in their country. There are a number of good reasons to promote Zenofon and I will explain:

1) The service is still new and will be rolled out in more and more countries depending on licensing in each country.
2) Even if you live outside of the US, you or your friends might travel to the US and would like to call back home. You might have family that live permanently in the United States and they call people in their homeland. You might have business associates calling you - why not give them a cheaper way to call?
3) You still earn commissions referring Zenophytes, even if you don't spend a cent on Zenofon calls.

Congratulation to yesterday's new Zenophytes (1st and 2nd tier referrals):

Don't forget to grab your Zenofon invites here: http://www.zenofon.com/?bipbip