Zenofon Free Money Giveaway Contest

Only 10 days ago I was celebrating my 200th friend in my Zenofon downline, and today I have already 288 friends. I never thought the jump from 200 to 300 would happen so fast.

If you haven't heard yet, Zenofon is giving away $499.9999999 to the people who generate the most income in the next 30 days. You can check the top positions at the Zenofon news page and you can be sure I am there - currently placed #9 but steadily rising. Follow my tips in this blog and you can outpace me ;) you have until September 20th to try. So ready, set, go!

New Milestone: 200 Zenophytes In My Downline!

I am very happy to announce my 200th Zenophyte registered today under my downline! I signed up Dinesh who signed up Rick. Congratulations Dinesh and Rick and all the members in my downline. I hope you enjoy using Zenofon and saving money on long distance calls. There are still about 6 billion people in the world who haven't registered yet to Zenofon. I'm sure you can each sign up at least 200 people. Go get them!

How To Save Money On Cell Phone Calls Using Callback

I posted an article on hubpages, revealing how to save money on phone calls from your cell phone using a little known secret loophole. This secret is so good the cell phone companies will do anything possible to keep you from finding out about it. Imagine never using your minutes, and helping your friends by not using their minutes when you call them. Do you think this is impossible? Think again. Now read this:


Zenofon Scam

Is Zenofon A Scam?

For those of you who have been following me for the past few weeks as I took my Zenofon downline from 0 to over 160, the above title probably comes as a big shock. So let me calm your fears:

Zenofon is NOT a scam.

It is a real service that is highly recommended by all it's users. Not only will it bring your phone bill down to almost nothing, but you can actually make money by referring your friends. And you don't have to pay a penny to participate in the program! Hop on over to my site Zenofon Review and learn how Zenofon can make you rich too!