How The #1 Affiliate Recruited 8,752 Members

Zenofon's 1st competition ended a few weeks ago, and they posted a video where they interviewed the winner, Ari, who brought in the most revenue in 30 days. I came in 7th in the same competition.
Watch the video and let's discuss his winning techniques:

420 People in My Zenofon Downline

420 Referrals, almost $200 in commissions. That calls for a special celebration, right? *wink* So I went to The Bukketshop to celebrate with some 420 goodies.

Do You Have Less Than 50 People In Your MLM Downline?

If you’re in a network marketing company or MLM and adding less than 50 people per month into your business, then you need to be subscribed to this blog.

Why is the failure rate in network marketing a staggering 96%? Is it because everyone is just flat out lazy or not willing to do anything to grow their business? With such an incredulous failure rate, it’s highly improbable that so many people are just lazy bums.

The reason for these depressing statistics is because people don’t know the right marketing techniques to grow a business. I'm not talking about some extra pocket change. I'm talking about a reliable source of income, that can even grow to a million dollars or year or more. I promise you that it's possible. You just need to know what to do, when to do it and how to do it! In the next posts I will elaborate on some mistakes you might be making that are draining your energy, your bank account and your time, and give you some solutions for growing your downline so you can be a huge success story!