If You Are An Internet Marketer Using Twitter You NEED This Tool

If you are an internet marketer and you use Twitter, this is one tool you absolutely need. It is also really fun to use ;) It is called Cli.gs, and it does so many things!

Most of you Tweeters probably use some sort of URL alias system to shorten your URLs, but can you use that service to track your links? No. Once you created your alias you can only use it. You can't change it, annotate it, track clicks and users, nothing.

With Cligs, you can do all the above and more. You create "cligs" which is a short URL redirect of your super long link, it lets you keep track of them, let's you name them for easy reference and the most fun part - you can see how many people clicked them and where your visitors came from.

This is so valuable in Internet Marketing, as any affiliate can tell you - tracking is the most important part of becoming a successful marketer. Now I know which of my links are popular, and which are duds, so I can keep posting only relevant tweets to my followers. There are many more advanced features and they have an API so you programmers can create applications with integrated analytics.

I am addicted :)


Blogger said...

Did you know that you can shorten your urls with Shortest and receive cash for every visit to your short urls.